What is Premium Content?
- Starting in version 3 of the iPhone OS (Summer of 2009), the Flash Q/Ard! application will have the ability to offer users content that has been professionally developed by industry leading companies. A Premium Content Provider (or PCP) is someone that offers their material formatted to work with the Flash Q/Ard! Application. These referenced Q/Ard! Sets will be available for download within the FlashQ/Ard! application.
How does one become a Premium Content Provider?
- Anyone can become a PCP. As soon as the details are completed, we will be offering a sign-up in the Account Information section of this website. In addition to the standard information about yourself, a PCP will need to provide additional information related to the financial agreement and sign the Provider Agreement.
How do PCPs earn money?
- The standard agreement is that the PCP keeps 70% of the price of the Q/Ard! Set. Once a month, Flashqard dot com pays the royalties to the PCPs based on the number of sales x the price of the Q/Ard! Set. Pay Pal is the preferred method of disbursement but there are other options available (available soon in the 'additional information' section under the My Account/Premium Content tab.)
So how does a PCP create their Q/Ard! Sets?
- The same way that any user creates a Q/Ard! Set. Organize all the material into question and answers. Add categories and format using any text editor. Make sure that your text file is formatted so that each line looks like this; category|question|answer|reference. The pipe character, or | (found just above the enter/return key, use the Shift Key and the \ key), is used to separate the category, question, answer and reference. At the end of each line, type in a return. Under the My Account/Premium Content Tab the PCP uploads the card set, gives the set a title, a 100 letter description, adds a 100x100 pixel graphic (if desired) and, most importantly, sets the price. A counter is available under the My Account/Premium Content/Provider Q//Ard! tab that shows how many people have downloaded the Q/Ard! Set.
Are there any requirements for a PCP provided Q/Ard! Set?
- The only requirement for Premium Content is that the material is referenced. The FlashQ/Ard! system allows for each qard to have a Category, Question, Answer and Reference. For personal use, or shared Q/Ard! Sets, a reference is not required (though useful if you plan to let others use your qards). The Premium Content must be referenced and all references added as qards. (More later when this featured is provided).